Two days on, one day off. What can I say? I'm lazy.
A new kink has developed: I'm going back to Tennessee between here (Michigan) and Denver. The guy who bought the truck can only pick it up this coming weekend, and I need to give it a final once-over (and brake bleed) before the handoff. I'm also apparently selling the lathe. Of course, both those things needed to happen on the weekend no one else is there. That means Denver is going to be a push from Tennessee instead of a leisurely hop from Michigan.
I need to find a way to take pictures while I'm riding. Cleveland held an absolutely amazing interstate panorama that I only wish I could've managed to share with other people. A giant, apparently-abandoned factory or industrial plant of some sort- a building built on a scale I'm still coming to terms with- stood in the background, absolutely dwarfing a major chain strip mall. If that's not an almost-intentional commentary on the current state of the economy in this chunk of the U.S., I don't know what would be.
Yesterday's riding was good, aside from the loss of another phone. That leaves me with one. Not an ideal situation, but probably more manageable. Now I just can't let it get soaked or otherwise ruined. (Crossing fingers super-seriously here.) I also have an awesome sunburn going from my wrists about six inches up each arm.
The packing situation still needs to be addressed. I'm carrying too much stuff and too much weight. I need to half the number of tools I have and start carrying ones I actually need. The clothing is a bit excessive at the moment too. About a third of the stuff returning to Tennessee won't be going back on the bike.
I'm not sure if it's weight distribution, tire sizing, or what, but the new tires are super-crappy on gravel and terribly slick on tar seal. Terrifyingly slick on tar seal, in fact. Maybe they'll get better with age, but I'm not optimistic at this point.
Ahh... well... I'm falling asleep now. More tomorrow, including pictures.
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