Thursday, June 3, 2010


New map:

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(That's Knoxville to Michigan to Colorado to LA/SD to San Francisco to Seattle to New York, then down the coast and back to Knoxville over the course of a month and a half or so.)

This is still very "broad strokes" (there's absolutely no way I'm running that much slab), but gets the idea across. Timing isn't good to make the east coast run before heading west, and with the promised trip east later in the summer anyway, it seemed sensible to just continue on from Seattle to New York, then drop south along the coast, seeing people along the way.

Bike prep still hasn't started. Parts were slow, so I didn't get the last of them 'til today. Should be a one day overhaul, but that's never a sure thing. I guess I'll see when I get there.

Stay tuned...

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